360° Panoramas

Walk with your eyes through the garden dreams parks! 

The project "Garden Dreams 360°" allows you to enjoy the gardens in a panoramic view. In some parks with a * you can even experience many surprises.

At the State Garden Show Burg 2018, visitors had the opportunity to take a look at our unique 360​​° VR binoculars - and to immerse themselves in garden dreams parks throughout Saxony-Anhalt.

The project "Garden Dreams 360​​°" is funded by the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

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Erlebnisland Panorama
Interaktive Panoramen von der Seite erlebnisland.de
DB Regio Widget
Das DB-Regio-Widget wird bei den Park angeboten, um eine individuelle Anreise mit der Deutschen Bahn heraussuchen zu können.
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